Today, I’m reviewing the MacSax Empyreal Alto Saxophone. This sax is manufactured in Taiwan for the MacSax company in Austin Texas. This is the Unlacquered Finish model. It looks like bare brass which gives it a cool vintage look. I am told that the brass is subjected to a gas treatment that gives it a […]
Theo Wanne
Theo Wanne Gaia 6 Hard Rubber Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece
This is another great mouthpiece by Theo Wanne. This is a Gaia 6 alto saxophone mouthpiece that came with a Macsax alto that I’m trying out (more on that later). This sax mouthpiece has a nice baffle in it as you can see from the pictures. The baffle slopes down into the chamber and is […]
Theo Wanne Metal Kali Tenor Mouthpiece
I received this piece in another trial by Theo Wanne. This mouthpiece is Theo’s Kali tenor mouthpiece which is a high baffle , large chambered piece. I really liked this mouthpiece. It has a bright sound but the large chamber gives it a much fatter sound than other high baffle tenor mouthpieces I have played […]
Theo Wanne Metal Parvati 7* Tenor Mouthpiece
I received this in the same trial package as the wood Parvati tenor mouthpiece. This is a metal Parvati tenor mouthpiece with a 7* tip opening. It was hard for me to figure out which one I like better….the wood or the metal. Can you tell a difference from listening to the clips? Both mouthpieces […]
Theo Wanne Wood Parvati Tenor Mouthpiece
I received this for a trial that is going around of Theo Wanne’s Parvati mouthpieces. I have to say that I am very impressed with a mouthpiece craftsman that will stand by his product and have enough confidence in it to ship it on trial around the globe to possibly hundreds of people. That takes […]
Battle of the 3 Florida Link Tenor Mouthpieces
I thought I would put up a comparison clip of 3 metal STM Florida Otto Link tenor mouthpieces that I have. The first one is a Florida Link 7*(no USA) that was refaced by someone. If I had to bet money on it I would say it’s Theo Wannes work. It looks just like other […]
LAW Buzzer, JVW Link, Kali Comparison
I thought I would put up a comparison clip of my 3 favorite tenor mouthpieces so we could hear the differences in their sounds. The three mouthpieces are a Theo Wanne Kali, a Jon Van Wie STM Link and a LAW Buzzer. All three mouthpieces are around a .110 tip opening. They were all done […]
Great Theo Wanne Florida Link Tenor Mouthpiece
This is a florida link from the 60’s. It was originally an 8 but was worked on by Theo Wanne who closed it down to .100. I’m really loving it. I bought this from Mark Sepinuck(10mfan). He posted on SOTW that he had a Florida Link that was by far the best Florida Link […]
Theo Wanne Amma 7* Tenor Mouthpiece
This is the new AMMA mouthpiece being produced by Theo Wanne. A friend on SOTW generously offered to let me borrow his and try it out. When I opened the package the first thing I noticed was the quality of the mouthpiece. The tip, rails and baffle were perfect as well as the outside of […]
Theo Wanne NY Link Tenor Mouthpiece
This is a NY link that I won off ebay that was advertised as worked on by Theo Wanne. When I received this piece it was a 7*. It had a nice sound but I felt that when I pushed it hard it got too bright and harsh sounding. It has a medium baffle […]
Theo Wanne NY Link .110 Tenor Mouthpiece
I bought a Theo Wanne Link mouthpiece off ebay. When I received it in the mail , it was way too bright for me. It had that Brecker type baffle in it that made it super bright. I took a screw driver and with a little pressure popped the baffle out (It’s a NY link […]
Theo Wanne Gaia 7* Tenor Mouthpiece
This is a new Theo Wanne mouthpiece called the Gaia. He advertises this on as being close to a Florida Link type of sound. I have to say that out of the Theo Wanne pieces I have played so far this is my favorite. The higher baffle Wanne mouthpieces were too bright for what […]
No USA Florida Link
No USA Florida Link .105 This is a Florida Link I bought off ebay awhile ago. I bought it because it was refaced and the seller didn’t know who had done it. When I saw the pictures I was pretty confident that it was Theo Wanne’s work. I can’t be 100% certain but I’ve had […]
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