This is the Early Babbitt Otto Link I have posted about before. The last SP otto link I got that Brian Powell had worked on was a .110 and I loved it. I t just felt like the tip opening was where I felt the most comfortable. I sent this Early Babbitt Otto Link (.105) […]
otto link
Hard Rubber Otto Link 7* Tenor Mouthpiece
This mouthpiece is the best hard rubber link I’ve ever played. I won it off Ebay for 200.00 bucks. That was the opening bid and no one else bid on it. It’s a little confusing because the seller said it was a John Reilly reface but when I received the piece it had engraving on […]
“Live” Jon Van Wie Otto Link 8
My Jon Van Wie refaced Super Tone Master Link is the tenor sax mouthpiece that I have played the most over the last 10 years. Jon Van Wie was an incredible mouthpiece refacer (sad to say that he died a number of years ago). I had the good fortune to have him work on a […]
Florida Hard Rubber Otto Link Alto Mouthpiece
This is a hard rubber otto link I bought on ebay. It was advertised as being worked on by John Reilly and had a 5* facing on it. It played well but was a little too closed for me. I sent it to Brian Powell and had him reface it to a .080 which is […]
Freddie Gregory Refaced Metal Otto Link 7 Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece
I just received this mouthpiece in the mail today. It is a metal Otto Link alto saxophone that was refaced by Freddie Gregory. Like I mentioned on some other posts, you can’t go wrong with anything Freddie Gregory worked on. I won it on Ebay and the seller said it plays great with a huge […]
Ralph Morgan Refaced-Slant Signature Otto Link Alto Mouthpiece
This is an old slant signature 5* hard rubber link that was refaced by Ralph Morgan. I just bought it and am getting used to it. Ralph opened it up to around a 7 and put a metal band around the shank. When I first got the piece the bore was so small that […]
Freddie Gregory Early Babbitt Otto Link 7 Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece
This is an old hard rubber Otto Link alto saxophone mouthpiece that was refaced by Freddie Gregory. When ever I see Freddie Gregory’s name on a mouthpiece, I have to take a look. I have played so many great mouthpieces and I know his incredible work firsthand. I just bought this alto saxophone mouthpiece […]
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