Playing Outside-4 Tonic Dominant b9 Pentatonics-Lesson 1 is the first lesson in a new lesson series based on the concept of using a dominant b9 pentatonic scale in 4 different keys over a minor tonality to create hip modern lines.
These great sounding pentatonic lines are all taken out of the diminished scale and give you some great approaches to creating lines that sound “outside”. I include a PDF with the Dominant b9 Pentatonics written out in the 4 keys we will be working on in this lesson. I also have written these lines out in 8 different pentatonic patterns for you to practice.
In this 36 minute video lesson, I take you through the steps in learning these 4 pentatonic scales and then show you how to best practice them to the play along. I demonstrate them for you to the playalong with the soprano saxophone. This is a great lesson to give you a unique way to create lines over a minor groove or minor ii-V-i progression. It’s also a great lesson to give you more insight and use of the diminished scale while soloing. (36 Minute Video Lesson, PDF of patterns in Bb, Eb and C, Playalong in C Minor Concert)
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