Just Friends Pentatonic Rhythms Lesson 1 is a new approach to practicing different eighth note patterns over a standard chord progression. We start with a template of eighth note pentatonic patterns but then work on taking out 1 or 2 eighth notes to create different rhythmic variations. This is done in a systematic way so that a variety of eight note rhythms are covered. The goal of this lesson series is to become fluent with the different pentatonic scales used while also becoming more rhythmically adept.
In lesson 1, we talk in depth about the different pentatonic used and I give you a PDF sheet of an example 8th note line which weaves throughout the changes. I also give you 12 rhythmic variations to practice as well. I demonstrate many of the examples on the tenor saxophone. I also include 3 different play-alongs so that all instruments can practice to the Bb PDF’s with their assigned play-along. I also talk in depth about how to transition from practicing the exercises to using them in improvisation. (37 Minute Video Lesson, 13 PDF Exercises, 3 Play-alongs for C,Bb and Eb Instruments)
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