This is a new Warburton alto saxophone mouthpiece. These are made by Eric Falcon who is a top notch mouthpiece refacer. This mouthpiece has an .080 tip opening. I consider it to have a brighter sound but still fat sounding. It’s a bit fatter sounding than the PT Meyer that I put up yesterday. There […]
Alto Mouthpiece Reviews
Meyer Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece Refaced by Phil Engleman
This is a new Meyer medium chamber alto saxophone mouthpiece that is made by JJ Babbitt. If you have been an alto saxophone player for any length of time you will know the mouthpiece name “Meyer”. It is one of the most popular alto saxophone mouthpieces ever sold. When I was a kid, i remember […]
Does Your Saxophone Equipment Matter?
The ongoing debate in the saxophone community is whether equipment really matters. By equipment we mean the brand of saxophone, mouthpiece, ligature, reeds, neck, pads and resonators. Some people will even argue that the type of material, screws and resonance stones on the body of the sax make a difference. I’ve had students come in […]
Greg Wier GW 7M Alto Mouthpiece
This is a great alto mouthpiece that I bought from Greg Wier. I’ve seen all of his mouthpieces on ebay for quite some time now and have wondered how they are. I trialed one of his tenor mouthpieces awhile ago and was very impressed with it. This alto mouthpiece is terrific also. It’s got that […]
Phil-Tone Aurora .078 Alto Mouthpiece
I received my Phil-Tone Aurora alto mouthpiece from Philip Engleman. Phil is known as Sigmund451 on SOTW (that’s Sax on the Web). I was impressed with the mouthpiece just like I was with his tenor piece. I just slapped a reed on it and it played great. It has some nice volume to it and […]
Early Babbit Alto Mouthpiece 7
This is the Freddie Gregory refaced HR link that I recorded on another clip. It played great but to be honest… was way to picky with reeds. It would take me forever to find a good reed. I sent it to Brian and had him work on it and set the tip at .080 which […]
Vandoren V16 A5M Alto Mouthpiece
This is a Vandoren V16 A5M that I bought from Dave Valdez in Portland. Dave had Brian Powell reface the mouthpiece to a .080 and put a very long facing curve on it (23mm) that matched a Slant Link that has been Dave’s main piece forever. The reason I bought this piece was because I […]
Hard Rubber Berg Larsen Alto Mouthpiece
This is a Berg Larsen hard rubber mouthpiece that I won on ebay. It was advertised as being worked on by Freddie Gregory. I was not happy with it when I got it at all. I would be very surprised if Freddie Gregory had worked on this. It didn’t seem to play like most of […]
Florida Hard Rubber Otto Link Alto Mouthpiece
This is a hard rubber otto link I bought on ebay. It was advertised as being worked on by John Reilly and had a 5* facing on it. It played well but was a little too closed for me. I sent it to Brian Powell and had him reface it to a .080 which is […]
Meyer G Alto Mouthpiece
This was a Meyer G with a 5 opening. It was way to small for my tastes. I sent it to Brian Powell to reface it and open it to a .076. It played nice before and had a lot of volume but it felt to closed for me. This was the first piece I […]
Freddie Gregory Refaced Metal Otto Link 7 Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece
I just received this mouthpiece in the mail today. It is a metal Otto Link alto saxophone that was refaced by Freddie Gregory. Like I mentioned on some other posts, you can’t go wrong with anything Freddie Gregory worked on. I won it on Ebay and the seller said it plays great with a huge […]
Ralph Morgan Refaced-Slant Signature Otto Link Alto Mouthpiece
This is an old slant signature 5* hard rubber link that was refaced by Ralph Morgan. I just bought it and am getting used to it. Ralph opened it up to around a 7 and put a metal band around the shank. When I first got the piece the bore was so small that […]
Flight of the Bumble Bee
One of my students challenged me to play this song……so I’ve been working on it. It’s getting there. Man this thing is hard. I’m going to keep working on it until it’s perfect and I can play it in my sleep………. I’m dedicating this one to my Dad. He use to come to all […]
Freddie Gregory Early Babbitt Otto Link 7 Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece
This is an old hard rubber Otto Link alto saxophone mouthpiece that was refaced by Freddie Gregory. When ever I see Freddie Gregory’s name on a mouthpiece, I have to take a look. I have played so many great mouthpieces and I know his incredible work firsthand. I just bought this alto saxophone mouthpiece […]
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