Sugal Super Gonz 7* Here is a Sugal Super Gonz I tenor mouthpiece that I bought off a friend of mine. This is from the mid 90’s and started out as a 8*. I had Brian Powell bring it down to a 7* and clean up the facing quite a bit. I played a Super […]
LAW LCD (Large Chamber Dark) .110
This is another LAW piece from Lawrence Waldron. Every once in awhile he sends me a package in the mail with some pieces to try. These are as great as usual. This one is a LCD(Large Chamber Dark) and has a .110 tip opening. I really liked the sound of this piece. I actually didn’t […]
Joshua Redman Transcription “Blues for Pat” Solo
Joshua Redman is one of my favorite tenor sax players out there. I especially love his early albums “Moodswing” and “Timeless Tales”. Here’s Joshua Redman transcription from the album “Live In San Francisco” with Pat Metheny. This tune is called “Blues for Pat” and it’s a great solo on a blues form. Redman does a […]
Chris Potter: Transcription of Body and Soul
I received this Bb transcription from Kevin Jones who teaches at the University of South Carolina. This is from a version of Body and Soul that Chris played on for “Legends of Jazz with Ramsey Lewis: Season 1 Vol. 3”. There are some great elements to check out in this solo. I haven’t played through […]
No USA Florida Link
No USA Florida Link .105 This is a Florida Link I bought off ebay awhile ago. I bought it because it was refaced and the seller didn’t know who had done it. When I saw the pictures I was pretty confident that it was Theo Wanne’s work. I can’t be 100% certain but I’ve had […]
Freddie Gregory Mark II 8* Hard Rubber Tenor Saxophone Mouthpiece
This is a clip of one of my favorite tenor saxophone mouthpieces that I really regret selling. It was made by Freddie Gregory over in Spain, and is a hard rubber Mark II model tenor saxophone mouthpiece. This mouthpiece had one of the biggest sounds of any tenor saxophone mouthpiece I have ever played. It […]
Saxscape Hudson Model .113
Saxscape Hudson Model Refaced by Brian Powell to .113 I received this piece from a friend who wanted me to try it out. It was made by Ken Barry at Saxscape mouthpieces. The person who owned it before me had Brian Powell reface it (I’m not sure why) It has berg like baffle in it […]
How Much Should My Child Practice?
I get asked this question quite often by concerned parents. What I usually recommend for fourth grade beginning students is 3 15-20 minute times a week. I find that if students do this they will make steady progress during the first year with no problems. Of course, if a student is really excited and wants […]
Poll of 9 Tenor Mouthpieces
I decided to run a poll for 9 sound clips I just made of my last 9 tenor mouthpieces. I’m having a heck of a time deciding which ones to sell and I figured it would help me to play them side by side and record them. On all 9 clips I’m just playing a […]
100 Top 40 Tunes Every Working Sax Player Should Know
The other day one of my students said he wanted to get out of the house and start gigging and making some money. We’ve been working on standards and jazz improvisation over the last year or so. He asked me if I thought he was ready and we got into a discussion about playing out. […]
Sax Mouthpieces: The Length of the Facing Curve
I’ve been doing a lot of experimentation into different facing curve lengths on my alto and tenor saxophone. On my alto sax, I have been using mouthpieces that were all refaced by Brian Powell to .080 tip openings but with different facing curve lengths. These are what I’ve been using: Florida Hard Rubber Link-20mm facing […]
NeffMusic Lessons: Learning How To Learn!
I’m writing this article to all my Neffmusic members to help them get the most out their lessons at Neffmusic. In order to really get the most out of my lessons there are some skills that you need to develop. These lessons are a bit different than going to a teacher and taking one on […]
Free Saxophone Intonation Tracking Graph
I made a video lesson on saxophone intonation where I taught about charting your intonation tendencies of your saxophone by using a tuner. What you do is play naturally for a few seconds and then end on the target note and while holding it turn and look at the tuner. You then put a mark […]
Chris Potter on Standards Transcription Book
While I was searching the internet a few weeks ago, I stumbled across this site. AJ Kluth has put out a transcription book of Chris Potter solos. Chris Potter is a phenomenal tenor saxophone player that is pretty popular on the jazz scene these days. I’ve been working on transcribing a few Chris Potter solos […]
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