This is another hard rubber custom mouthpiece from Kanee mouthpieces in China. As I said in an earlier review, I received 7 mouthpieces from Kanee Music to try out. This model is the alto mouthpiece with the highest baffle. It is called the Z5 model for the alto saxophone. Here is what is written about […]
Free Universal Method for the Saxophone
I was looking around the internet today for a music book that I could use in my online video lessons. I’ve had a bunch of requests for some lessons on sight reading and I thought it would be cool if I could find something to use that was in the “public domain”. I was surprised […]
Drake Son of Slant Soprano Saxophone Mouthpiece
This is a Drake vintage resin soprano mouthpiece. It is called the “Son of Slant” in reference to a vintage Otto Link Slant soprano mouthpiece. Here is the description from the Drake website of the mouthpiece: The design of this mouthpiece has been modeled after the Otto Link Slant model, with a few modifications to […]
Sakshama “Lost Wax” Florida Link Tenor Saxophone Mouthpiece
This is a Sakshama “lost wax” florida link metal mouthpiece that I received from Sakshama Koloski a few months ago. He was gracious enough to let me try one of his mouthpieces. I put lost wax in quotations because I’m not sure exactly what that means. This mouthpiece is a great example of a great […]
Theo Wanne Gaia Soprano Saxophone Mouthpiece
Today, I have the Theo Wanne Gaia soprano saxophone mouthpiece up for review. It is made of hard rubber and I believe it is a .065 tip opening ( that is what I had asked for……..the markings on the table say 7 x 113 but I have no idea what that means). I have tried […]
Kanee Custom V7 Tenor Saxophone Mouthpiece
Here’s a brand new mouthpiece review for you. You probably have never heard of this brand. I had never heard of them before a couple weeks ago either. I received an email from someone from China asking if I would be willing to try some of their mouthpieces and post a review of […]
Kanee Custom O7 Tenor Saxophone Mouthpiece
Here’s a brand new mouthpiece review for you. You probably have never heard of this brand. I had never heard of them before a couple weeks ago. I received an email from someone from China asking if I would be willing to try some of their mouthpieces and post a review of them. I was […]
“Live” Approach Note Patterns on R&B
Back about 10 years ago, I decided to work on my approach note patterns. I had been taught a few of these patterns in lessons with Jerry Bergonzi and wanted to really get them down. As I started to really work on the approaches in every key I found myself finding others to add to […]
Poll of 10 Alto Saxophone Mouthpieces
I decided to run a poll of 10 alto saxophone mouthpieces that I have on my shelf. I’m having a heck of a time deciding which ones to sell and I figured it would help me to play them side by side and record them. On all 10 clips I’m just playing a simple slow […]
40 Michael Brecker Licks
I have written out 40 great Michael Brecker licks that I have picked up and used over the years. Last week I cleaned them up and numbered them so they are easier to read. I give these out to my more advanced students who want to start getting into this stuff. I went through a […]
Sugal Super Gonz Copper Tenor Saxophone Mouthpiece
This is a very cherished mouthpiece for me. It was made by Gary Sugal in the early 90’s and is called the Super Gonz I. To give you a little background on this mouthpiece…………I started playing tenor around 1986. At that time, I was playing a Couf Superba 1 tenor with the only mouthpiece I […]
Theo Wanne Hard Rubber Gaia Tenor Saxophone Mouthpiece
Here’s another Theo Wanne tenor saxophone mouthpiece for you to check out. This is a hard rubber version of the Gaia tenor saxophone mouthpiece. The Gaia is said to be a run at the florida link type concept. It has a medium baffle that does indeed remind me of my florida links. The difference hear […]
Theo Wanne Wood Gaia Tenor Saxophone Mouthpiece
Here’s another Theo Wanne tenor saxophone mouthpiece for you to check out. I just received a ton of these and I’m working my way through them as you might have noticed. This is a wood version of the Gaia tenor saxophone mouthpiece. The Gaia is said to be a run at the florida link […]
Theo Wanne Ambika Tenor Saxophone Mouthpiece
Here’s another Theo Wanne tenor saxophone mouthpiece for you to check out. I just received a ton of these and I’m working my way through them as you might have noticed. This is a hard rubber version of the Ambika mouthpiece. The Ambika is on the darker side of the tone spectrum. It has a […]
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