Today, I am reviewing a product called the ReedJuvinate Woodwind Reed System. As a woodwind player, you are probably already aware of what a pain reeds can be to keep and store. How do you best store them? I’m always curious about the different ways people store their reeds when not in use. I’ve seen […]
Rigotti Gold Reed Strength Comparison
Today, I thought it would be interesting to write a reed strength comparison article on my blog. I was trying a new Phil-Tone Mosaic 7* tenor mouthpiece this morning with different strength Rigotti Gold reeds when I had the idea to record some clips and throw it up on the site to see what some […]
Phil-Tone & Theo Wanne Mosaic Tenor Saxophone Mouthpiece (Updated)
(Update: this original Mosaic review was of a prototype Mosaic mouthpiece but since the review Phil has tweaked and I think improved the original design of the Mosaic mouthpiece. He has been kind enough to send me a new model to try. I am updating this review and sound clip for the new production model.) […]
2013 Thelonious Monk Jazz Saxophone Competition
I wanted to share this video that is on Youtube of the 2013 Thelonious Monk Saxophone competition. I first heard of the Thelonious Monk competition in the early 90’s. I believe the competition started out in the late 80’s as a piano competition and then started including other instruments in the early 90’s. 1991 was […]
Reed Placement Poll
I thought it would be interesting to run a poll to see where everyone places their reeds on the mouthpiece when setting up. I know many of you will think this is nonsense and you might assume that we all do this the same but I have had so many students come in my studio […]
Morgan Fry Ebonite Tenor Saxophone Mouthpiece
Today, I am reviewing another mouthpiece made by Morgan Fry. Morgan Fry is a great mouthpiece maker and refacer in England. I have reviewed some of his mouthpieces in the past and had him do some refacing work for me. I have always been impressed with his work and craftsmanship. If you do a search […]
Great Joshua Redman Interview
Here’s a great Joshua Redman interview that someone shared on facebook. I was blown away by the honesty and sincerity of Joshua Redman. You don’t get any sense that he is trying to act or pretend like he is something he is not. He’s just being honest and sincere to who he is. Joshua Redman […]
Morgan Fry Ebonite Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece
Today, I am excited to review a new mouthpiece made by Morgan Fry. Morgan Fry is a great mouthpiece maker and refacer in England. I have reviewed some of his mouthpieces in the past and had him do some refacing work for me and have always been impressed with his work and craftsmanship. If you […]
Devastating Minor Lines for Jazz and Funk Soloing
I just finished a brand new Neffmusic book that I am very excited about. The description is below: An inside approach to outside playing using pentatonics, chromaticism, 3-tonic systems and intervallic patterns to produce modern lines in the style of Michael Brecker and Bob Berg. Devastating Minor Lines contains 100 16th note lines written out […]
Saxophone Microphone Review and Audio Shootout
I recently had a member on my site (Walter Ruckdeschel) post an in-depth review of 8 different stand mounted microphones that can be used for live gigs. I was so fascinated that I asked him if I could post his finding here for everyone to see. If I didn’t have my hands full teaching and […]
FREE 12 Blues Scales Sheet
Here’s a free sheet I give to all my students after they learn their major scales. It’s just a sheet with all the 12 Blues Scales on it. When I teach my students to use the blues scale I teach them to try to move off the #4 note quickly when playing. Many student who […]
Vigilante Detroit Rock Tenor Saxophone Mouthpiece
Today, I am reviewing a mouthpiece made by Jennifer Price at Vigilante Mouthpieces. There are 10 models to choose from on the Vigilante website. Today, I am reviewing the Detroit Rock which is the brightest mouthpiece that they make. (I also just did a review of the NYII to which is their 4th brightest mouthpiece) […]
Vigilante NYII Tenor Saxophone Mouthpiece
Today, I am reviewing a mouthpiece made by Jennifer Price at Vigilante Mouthpieces. There are 10 models to choose from on the Vigilante website. Today, I am reviewing the New York II which is the 4th brightest mouthpiece that they make. (I also have a Detroit Rock to review next which is their brightest mouthpiece.) […]
Mouthpiece Recording Test Survey
I have been experimenting lately with different recording distances and settings for my mouthpiece reviews. Usually, I record dry with no effects about 2 feet from the microphone. I’ve noticed that darker sounding mouthpieces can sound rich and beautiful in this setting but many times the brighter more powerful mouthpieces can sound harsh, shrill, edgy, […]
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