In todays modern world, you see new products popping up on the internet almost everyday. About a month ago, I was on Facebook just browsing through friend’s posts when I came upon some beautiful pictures of some mouthpieces I had never seen before. These were posted by Liu Shizhao who lives in Beijing, China and apparently […]
Great Lesson Package Deals on Mastering the Blues Scale Vol. 1 Lessons
I created two more great lesson package deals that compliment my book Mastering the Blues Scale-Vol. 1 One is a 3 lesson deal for alto sax in a smooth jazz style and the other is a 5 lesson deal for tenor sax in the same smooth jazz style. Here are the details and links to check them out: […]
2015 Aebersold Jazz Workshop with Chris Potter
Here’s another great workshop with Chris Potter that I came across just now on Facebook. Chris Potter is one of the top tenor saxophone players in the world. There is a great duo performance in the beginning of “Out of Nowhere” . Chris then answers questions from the students and faculty afterwards. Great stuff. Check it out!
The New Ultimate II-V-I Primer Lesson Series Deal only 14.99
Hi Everyone, I’m running a big sale on lessons I made that get you started with working with the New Ultimate II-V-I Primer. I made 5 lessons that are usually 49.95 for all 5 but I’m running a sale so you can get all 5 for 14.99 at this link. The New Ultimate II-V-I Lesson […]
This Guy Blows My Mind…….Derek Brown
Derek Brown has a Youtube channel called “Beatbox Sax”. While most of us mere mortals are just trying to figure out how to play the sax the normal way (or should I say the way that is most “common”), Derek is one of those rare individuals that is breaking new ground with the saxophone. Check out the two […]
Danny Walsh Transcription of Solo on “One for Rich”
Here’s another great solo transcription from a Youtube video that I started working on a few days ago. My tenor was getting overhauled so I thought I would take a stab at an alto solo while it was in the shop. This is from the great sax player, Danny Walsh and is a solo he played with the Ball State […]
The #1 Thing You Need to Do To Become a Great Improviser
I’m seeing a trend in adult students that I have taught over the last 10 years and wanted to write about it. The #1 thing that most students young and old want to improve is their ability to improvise well. Many times, I ask the students what their practice routine is like and I get answers […]
Mark Russo-Saxophone Overtones, Altissimo and Growling
This is a great video of Mark Russo demonstrating different concepts on a Cannonball alto and tenor saxophone. Mark was one of the first professional saxophone players I ever heard in concert. I was in high school and went to the Syracuse Jazz Festival and a group called the Yellowjackets started playing. I had […]
Michael Brecker Solo Transcription-Recorda Me
For this week’s new transcription, I am posting the first 5 choruses of a transcription that Igor Tomanoski sent me this week. This is Michael Brecker soloing over Recorda Me with Steps Ahead in the 80’s. This is from a Youtube video that I first heard a few years ago. This is just classic “tearing it up” Brecker!! […]
Bob Mintzer Tenor Saxophone Solo Transcription-New Rochelle
Here’s another great solo transcription from John Blevins. John has graciously sent me a number of his transcriptions and given me permission to share them with the sax world on my site here. This is another great sax solo by Bob Mintzer. The tune is New Rochelle from the album “Latin from Manhattan” and the […]
Bob Mintzer Tenor Saxophone Solo Transcription-My Romance
Here’s another great solo transcription from John Blevins. John has graciously sent me a number of his transcriptions and given me permission to share them with the sax world on my site here. This is another great sax solo by Bob Mintzer. The tune is My Romance from the 1988 album “Spectrum”. My Romance […]
Why is Learning Jazz Patterns Foreign to Me?
I received this question in an email the other day and I thought it would be good to try to answer it in detail on the blog here so others can benefit from it: Question: Steve, I have always listened to jazz, but I tend to favor simpler, lyrical playing like Houston Person, Gene Ammons, […]
Wilton Felder’s Street Life Solo Transcription
Here’s another great solo transcription from John Blevins. John has graciously sent me a number of his transcriptions this last week and given me permission to share them with the sax world on my site here. This is a great sax solo by Wilton Felder who was the cofounder of the Crusaders. The tune is Street […]
Benjamin Allen Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece Review
Today, I am reviewing another mouthpiece made by Benjamin Allen. I have reviewed a number of Benjamin Allen’s tenor mouthpieces which were all fabulous in my opinion. I now have in front of me a Benjamin Allen prototype of an alto mouthpiece that he has been working on. This is not the finished product but rather a “prototype” […]
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