Many of you might remember that I wrote an in-depth article about a year and a half ago on counterfeit vintage saxophone mouthpieces entitled “Buyer Beware! Counterfeit Vintage Saxophone Mouthpieces Galore“.
In that article, I included as much information and photo evidence of counterfeit vintage sax mouthpieces that were (and still are) flooding the saxophone mouthpiece market at the time. My goal was simply to warn unsuspecting buyers that instead of getting an amazing deal on a vintage hard rubber saxophone mouthpiece, they might be buying a counterfeit sax mouthpiece made out of resin.
Stephan Kammerer of SK mouthpiece posted an informative Youtube video yesterday (which I posted below) that matches well with the details of my article from a year and a half ago.
*Important: In the video Stephan shows the yellow/brown dust created by refacing a hard rubber sax mouthpiece compared to the white/gray dust created by refacing a counterfeit resin sax mouthpiece. Refacing requires a sanding of the table and facing curve by a professional refacer who knows what they are doing. He is in no way suggesting that you sand the table of your sax mouthpiece to see what color the dust is. This will very likely change and perhaps ruin the facing curve of your saxophone mouthpiece. If you want to check the color of the dust of your sax mouthpiece use the lightest sandpaper possible and only sand lightly on the shank end or inside the bore end of the saxophone mouthpiece.
These fake sax mouthpieces are still being sold to unsuspecting buyers and even resold on the marketplace by sax players who bought them and might not even know that what they have is a fake counterfeit saxophone mouthpiece.
Do yourself a favor and watch the video below as well as reading my article before purchasing a vintage saxophone mouthpiece on the internet. Thanks to Stephan Kammerer for taking the time to further educate the saxophone community about these counterfeit saxophone mouthpieces.
For those interested in mpcs, esp vintage ones, you might want to check out the interview of Jennifer Price on, as Jennifer helped Dave Guardala make his mpcs and has a lot to say about mpcs in general, information that is usually hard to come by.