Here is a transcription of a really cool tenor sax solo by Bob Reynolds. I have been a fan of Bob’s for years and when I heard this solo on Youtube last week, I had to write it down. It’s on a simple Eb minor (for the tenor sax) type of groove and Bob tears it up. Great lines and rhythms mixed in with soulful bends and scoops.
The transcription is harder to read because of the sixteenth note rhythms but if you dig the solo, I would suggest listening to Bob play each phrase and work through the solo phrase by phrase as you try to copy what he is playing. Youtube has a great feature now where you can click on the “setting” symbol under the video, then click on “playback speed” to adjust the speed from 100% to 75%, 50% or 25%. This is a great feature if you want to play along with a harder solo from Youtube.
Hope you enjoy the solo as much as I do. Thanks to Bob Reynolds, Charlie Hunter and Geoff Clapp for not letting this pandemic we are experiencing get in the way of jamming together! Keep it up guys! The world needs funky, soulful grooves right now………
Bob Reynolds-Remote Jam in Eb Minor
Bob Reynolds Remote Jam in C# Minor-Concert PDF
*If you would like to support me here at, you can do so on the support page of my store by debit or credit card. Any support is appreciated and will go towards keeping this site running, saxophone reeds, mouthpiece patches, coffee, and towards justifying the many hours I spend on providing free transcriptions to the saxophone community! Thanks, Steve
If you like these type of outside modern sounding lines like I do, be sure to check out my Devastating Lines for Jazz and Funk Soloing for Minor and Dominant Grooves. These two books are filled with great modern 16th note lines in all 12 keys that you can learn and use while soloing. Check out all the 5 star reviews! Steve
Hello Steve. On your book Mastering the Blues Scale Volume 1: Minor, I noticed that you did not put the 2nd and 6th degrees of the scale(s), but added the flat 5th. I am immensely enjoying the licks, but what is your reasoning on this? Thank you.
Donato, Mastering the Blues Scale Vol. 1:Minor is on the minor blues scale. In the key of D minor it would be DFGG#ACD. There is no 2nd or 6th degree because there is no 2nd or 6th degree in this blues scale. Volume 2 deals with the Dominant blues scale and with mixing both blues scales together which would include the 2nd and 6th degrees. Hope this helps, Steve
Me gusta esta banda que boquilla utiliza el saxofonista?
I like this band which mouthpiece the saxophonist uses?
Silvio, I believe Bob Reynolds uses an off the shelf modern hard rubber 9 Otto Link. Steve
Gracias por la infornación
Thank you for the information.
Hi Steve, great workout for confinement! Any easy way to post this transcription in C too?
Thank you!
Tanguy, I will work on that in concert. It will be in C# minor so means a bit more work getting it transposed……. Steve
Thank you for the Concert version Steve! ??