Derek Brown has a Youtube channel called “Beatbox Sax”. While most of us mere mortals are just trying to figure out how to play the sax the normal way (or should I say the way that is most “common”), Derek is one of those rare individuals that is breaking new ground with the saxophone. Check out the two videos below and you will quickly realize that this guy is not your average sax player.
It is obvious that Derek Brown is a master of what we call extended techniques for the saxophone. When I was a young student at Ithaca College studying classical saxophone I heard some of these classical techniques used in more modern classical saxophone pieces. I thought they were strange sounding and wasn’t sure what to make of them. Derek is taking many of those same techniques and using them for a very different result though. I have to give the guy props, the amount of time and practice he must have used to master these different elements and techniques just boggles my mind. I posted a number of tutorials on these extended saxophone techniques that Derek posted on Youtube that you can find here Beatbox Sax Tutorials.
Here is a great Youtube interview by Jay Metcalf at Better Sax with Derek Brown. Derek is an honest down to earth guy with extraordinary abilities on the saxophone. In this interview, Derek reveals his super powers as a “slow learner”. I found it fascinating and refreshing to listen to and I hope you do as well…….. Steve
The Secret Super Power of a Slow Learner-Derek Brown Beatbox Sax
Below is another great video I found and have added to this post of some really cool modifications that Derek Brown has made to his P. Mauriat System 76 tenor saxophone that I thought you might find interesting also…….
Derek Brown’s Beatbox Sax Modifications Video
Steve, thanks for sharing this on your blog.
No problem Jay! Thanks for the great interview and other great videos you are putting on Youtube! I enjoy them. Steve
Awesome! Thanks Steve! ??
So straightforward and sympathetic guy Derek. I enjoyed this interview so much ….life is made so simple with a guy like Derek. Thanks again Steve hope things are fine for you