Here’s another great Chris Potter masterclass from 12-4-15 in Akron, Ohio that someone posted on Youtube. This is just an audio of the masterclass. Chris Potter’s opening solo on Cherokee is amazing as usual. I can’t get enough of these solos and masterclasses! Check it out!
About Steve
Steve Neff has been playing and teaching saxophone and jazz improvisation around the New England area for over 30 years. He is the author of many best selling jazz improvisation methods as well as founding the popular jazz video lesson site
I find these solos technically brilliant, but to be honest: they don’t touch me emotionally. Not a bit.
A different approach every chorus or two. Linear or harmonic, diatonically, pentatonically, overtones, and several others. He’s teaching while he’s playing! I haven’t listened to a lot of Chris Potter, but I plan to now. Fantastic, AND it touches me emotionally. More than just a bit.
I love Chris’ playing, I do think he is a genius (like Michael Brecker)…Thanks for doing the transcription of the second chorus Steve…very helpful to be able to look at his ideas from a reading POV.
Did you do chorus #1 ?
and….are planning to tackle more choruses ?
All the best,
Wil, You probably know by now but we finished the whole solo earlier this week and it is posted. Steve