So this week I wanted to keep to my transcription goal but things have been a bit hectic around here. I was playing a Benjamin Allen Tony Dagradi model tenor mouthpiece most of today while I was practicing and it reminded me of a Tony Dagradi solo on Invitation that I had heard a while ago and have been meaning to transcribe. I thought “I should start transcribing that solo while I play on this Tony Dagradi mouthpiece. That would be cool……” I actually got Finale out and started setting up the details of the music but at the last minute I thought maybe I should check to see if someone else has transcribed this………… I did a google search and sure enough, I found a transcription of Ton’y solo and it is on Tony’ site none the less. I thought I would share it with all of you in case you didn’t know about it also. If you get a chance also check out Tony’s website at I recently got the CD “Gemini Rising” and Tony Dagradi play’s Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Baritone saxophone on each cut. It’s cool to hear hip tunes played my a sax quartet that is actually only one guy!! Enjoy!
Tony Dagradi’s Solo on Invitation
Question is. I sometimes have a problem in my right hand, little finger, reaching the low c key on my tenor sax. Our there instruments that have smaller reaches than my Yanagisawa tenor. Thank You for your answer, dennis