Here’s another video of me playing with that Hal Crook play along. I’m not even sure if this play along is still being published. It’s called “Creative Comping for Improvisation”. I haven’t seen it since the early 90’s. It is such a ball to jam to because the comping is not traditional at all. There are some really cool alterations, substitutions and out of the ordinary comping on it that really are cool to play with. I use to play duo with a great keyboard player for years and this reminds me of those times. The tricky part with soloing over these types of play alongs is trying to compensate when a chord is played that catches you off guard. All of a sudden you have to change you lines or ideas in the moment to compensate which makes it much more exciting and fun to play to……….
Amazing, beautifull, just….God! I´d love to play like that one day. You are so inspiring. Thanks for your talent.
Wow Steve! Nice solo…
Thanks Sam. I’m glad you likes it.
Great playing as always steve! BTW what soprano are you using?
Thanks, Yamaha YSS-62
I really Would like to watch your video but I’m not able ? I do have quicktime player !! Any help or advice !!?? Thank you very much indeed…
Ok,Ok, now I can watch it,, that’s wonderfull ,great clean technic, a great lesson for me, and a lovely soprano sound !!
you can find this play along on amazon and several others still…..its a blast to play along with too!