Here is a White Brilhart Tonalin 7* tenor saxophone mouthpiece. I believe this one is from the late 60’s although I’m not an expert on Vintage Brilhart mouthpieces. Mark Sepinuck was kind enough to let me try this one. He felt that it gave him a “Gene Ammons” type of sound. I really dig the sound of Gene Ammons so I was very curious to try this piece………
As you can see from the pictures this piece has straight side walls that run down into the chamber. The mouthpiece plays with a big fat sound to it that isn’t as spread sounding as a slant or hard rubber link. It’s a bit more focused and has a nice centered core to the sound.. I loved the sound in the upper register. The notes sound fat and round to me which I love up there. They just have a beautiful ring to them while still being soft and round sounding. On this cut I’m just playing the head of “Naima” and doodling around a little bit. If you ever want a great mouthpiece Mark Sepinuck (10mfan) is the guy to know. I’m sending this one back to Mark. I was really tempted to add it to my collection but it’s tax time and………… Take a listen and let me know what you think. Enjoy!
Sounds great like always!
I’m not sure if you’ve already heard this recording (not surprised if you have) but if you dig Ammons, I think this recording really captures his amazing tone.
Great, great tone Steve. I heard the Morgan MLL first and that left something missing in my opinion, but this one sounds really great.
I miss the classes….you were a big help….
This is my favorite piece that I have heard you play on to date. It almost has a spiritual quality to the sound. You and that piece are one! Just my humble opinion.
I play with a Brilhart for 4 months, and tenor sax conn 10M and selmer reference 36. It’s for me a excellent combination for a Great sound.
Not resistant, very fast and soft sound.
The best mouthpiece for me, in 15 years.
La recomiendo.
I love the sound of this piece! As you said with the soloist, the brights from a smaller chamber are different than the brights from a baffle. The sound on this piece is very balanced.
I love this mouthpiece…but never play it….. it has a volume limit (for me)…sounds great in my living room…but i can’t push it…something about that focus leaves me in one tonal concept as well… my friends who are MUCH better players than me get a real nasty growl out of it(you didnt do any honkin for the sound clip,steve!!!)…but i cant growl….
dear sir , i have been tying tofind some information on an old brillhart tonelin which i used in the army mid 60,s serial number109787 Iam a pro tenor player living and working in Malta. I have written to various people ,but no joy on information of yearof manufacture.Its a great mouth piece, but i dont have a ligature for it or reed cap.Ihave been blowing a duckoff for the last 15 years but would love to do some recording on the brillhart which i hav,nt used since 1968. So the pictures in your article and imeadiatly whent to my old musical junk box and there it was .Only differance between yours and mine is mine has a black plastic sleeve round where it joins the crook of my tenor.Its got 5 star or plus , as the star or plus is worn. Would be greatfull of any information or where i can get a ligature and reed cap to fit it . Regards Graham .
I don’t have the mouthpiece anymopre but Ithink any HR ligature and cap will fit it. The brilharts were a pretty standard size in my memory.
You sound absolutely great on that piece, and I agree with the person who says that it is the best sounding one you’ve played on here. If I were you I’d have kept it, and although I see that this is a very old posting, I’m still tempted to see if Mark has it for sale this much later. I love Brilharts and wouldn’t mind having a Tonalin to play when not playing my Ebolin Streamline. Just curious to know if this one had a serial number and if so what font it was in, large or small?
Thanks Michael, I honestly don’t remember the details of this piece as far as serial number or font size and all that. I’m sure Mark has probably sold it by now but you never know………..
Sounds great and it is a no serial # one too. That means it was made by Selmer around 1967. I have an alto white 3* that Ifound while cleaning about a month ago. SInce then it has replaced my Meyers as my go to alto mpc. It really has a sound. It’s a 3*, kind of close but it works really well w/a a LaVoz Med hard reed.
Fantastic sound! Not at all the built in edginess that most contemporary mouthpiece designs seem to emphasize nowadays. I love my Carlsbad era white Streamline 7* on my 10M. Huge fat tone and remarkably versatile to cover a lot of styles. It can even get very edgy and growly when needed.
You sound great .It is a slightly leaner sound that your VoVintage Link tone, never the less , It has a nice character to the tone . Bravo ,Steve
Well, I’m blown away by that sound! I’ve just heard this (10+ years on from the original review!) and it’s one of the best sounding tenor mouthpieces I’ve heard.
Of course you’re bringing this piece to life Steve, and I couldn’t come close anytime soon – but could you recommend anything modern that might get me a similar sound?
Many thanks. Alex
Hi Alex, I’m not really sure what modern mouthpiece copies a Brilhart Tonalin if any. I found this discussion on the internet about it from years ago but no further information.
Thanks for the reply Steve. I’ll have a look at the SOTW article as you suggest, or if that doesn’t prove fruitful, I’ll keep an eye out for an original! Alex.
Where can I buy a 7* or even 6*? I really love the sound of my Brilhart but need a bigger tip opening.
They don’t make these anymore so you would have to look for a used one on eBay or somewhere else on the internet.
Thanks. Yes, I am aware. Where did you get this 7* and do you still have it?
As I remember, someone reached out to me and commented that I had no reviews of Brilhart mouthpieces on my website. He then offered to send me a few that he had so I could review them. I reviewed the ones he sent and then sent them back to him.