It might be as close as your refrigerator! Check out this video.
by Steve 4 Comments
It might be as close as your refrigerator! Check out this video.
Steve Neff has been playing and teaching saxophone and jazz improvisation around the New England area for over 30 years. He is the author of many best selling jazz improvisation methods as well as founding the popular jazz video lesson site
jajajaj what a guy!! 🙂
I think I prefer the potato sound better!
Damn, although I am not a player, a newcomer could get a CHEAP starter!
Fancinating!!!!!!!!!!!!!, who would have thunk?????
Ciao and best of luck, still have to read last chapters which I plan to do now.
I don’t mind watching this guy veg out.
Does this guy get paid a celery ?
Reminds me of my salad days. Until I got tossed.
That’s a one karat gem.
Is this what they play at the Gardener Museum ?
Does a pickled carrot play sour notes ?
I got a million of ’em folks.
Well, it was inevitable, I guess, that instruments
would follow everything else and start to go green.
I can see the catalog now: For Sale: Crudite Clarinet.
Seriously, this looks like something Jeff Coffin would do.