I received this piece in another trial by Theo Wanne. This mouthpiece is Theo’s Kali tenor mouthpiece which is a high baffle , large chambered piece. I really liked this mouthpiece. It has a bright sound but the large chamber gives it a much fatter sound than other high baffle tenor mouthpieces I have played like Guardalas, Dukoffs and Sugals. It seems like it has plenty of power although that is hard to judge until you take it on a live gig. On the clip I tried to play some R&B type licks but then ended with some softer ballad type playing to see what it sounds like when you back off a bit. Let me know what you think. Again, great job Theo Wanne!
Theo Wanne Metal Kali Tenor Mouthpiece
This mpc sounds really good to but a bit brighter than the Links. You play down low some but not enough subtone for a fair comparision. The bit of subtone I heard sounded nice but the subtone on the Link with the Java 2.5 was fatter and fuller. Again it’s a coin toss what do you really want?
Larry W