This is an old clip i just found on my computer. It’s one of those loud dance sets and the singer is making noise through most of the solo but you can get an idea of how the Lamberson J7 sounds through a mic in this type of setting. The cool thing about this clip is that it’s done with a Lamberson J7. This is a bit of a darker piece for this kind of work but if you blow the right way you can make it work great. I’ve always said that Lambersons are very versatile mouthpiece when you really learn to play them. Fred Lamberson isn’t making these pieces as much as he used to so if you see one for sale somewhere scoop it up (unless I beat you to it!)
All of your solos move me very much! I am drawn to them (I am normally a dark straight ahead jazz player) but I feel this is some great stuff!
Thanks Derek. I appreciate it. steve
Hi, steve.
I like your solo. I am wondering what is going on around 0:03-0:06 in this solo. It sounds like you are playing the altissimo with vibrato. So how do you play it? Are you playing vibrato?
Yes, I’m just going up to a high C# and moving my bottom jaw to give it some vibrato up there. I didn’t even realize I did that until you asked me and went and listened to the clip.
That is a bitchin’ solo, Steve, real nice work. And now I have to have a J7. Damn.
Thanks Bruce. Just to let you know……the J7 worked but I was really really pushin it. I found that a more focused piece cuts better in those loud R&B gigs although my favorite gigs were playing a 1 hour jazz cocktail hour with my J7 and then playing 4 hours of dance music with the same J7. They aren’t easy to come by so be forewarned.
I actually found someone on SOTW with a J7 willing to sell, I should receive it in a few days. I’ve been using a Saxscape BG prototype as my main piece, so it will be interesting to see what I think of the J7. I also picked up a Drake Custom Ceramic for my alto, I like it so much I’m going to try one on tenor. I found your mpc demos very helpful, thanks again Steve.
Hey Steve, what about about the rest of the track? That toon is pumping!
I’m getting my commercial feelings back again…
Hi Steve
Well today I finally received my Lamberson tenor J7.
Have to say that it is one of the best,if not the best HR tenor mpc I have had in a very long timeHas a rich core,wide and very full dark sound!
I have had a lots of HR tenor mpcs,and indeed that is a wonderfull and very special sound!
All the best from Canada ,Mario
That’s great Mario. The Lamberson J7’s are incredible mouthpieces. I have two right now I am having fun with. Fred Lamberson is the master of the low baffle mouthpiece! I don’t know how he gets so much power out of such a low baffle…………