Some of the other threads on cosmetic flaws have prompted me to post this story. A couple of weeks ago I got a phone call from a guy in England. He saw my website with all the sax mouthpiece clips. Anyways, his name is Lawrence Waldron and he seems to be a pretty big name in fly fishing circles. He makes gear for fly fishing that looks to be of the highest standards ….. he tells me he is getting into making sax mouthpieces and since I’ve tried so many mouthpieces would I be willing to try some of his. After all that, I thought “These things are going to be garbage” “This guy doesn’t know what he’s doing” anyways……I get the package in the mail and open it up. Of course I open the metal one first and the minute I see it I am amazed.
This is one of the prettiest, smoothest beautiful mouthpieces I have ever seen. Inside and out. I played it and it played great. Fat beautiful sound with power. It has a similar baffle to a Guardala but a little lower and bigger chamber and scooped out side walls I think. Anyways…… point is I’ve talked with Mr. Waldron about 4 times now and am amazed at his artistic integrity but also his humility. He is concerned with having the utmost quality. In design, in finish, in playability…… This guy is no joke as a craftsman and artist. I don’t think he would ever let something out of his workshop unless it was perfect and up to his standards. I for one am looking forward to where this guy is going to go in the future. Now I’ve only seen a couple mouthpieces by Lawrence Waldron but the quality of them and his character on the phone makes me feel confident in any other products he comes out with in the future. I don’t even know if he wants this out there or is ready for business or is in the development stage but I think it would be worthwhile to keep an eye out for this guy in the future. His phone number is 0044 1902 896315 after 6pm gmt ( English ). He’s in England so be respectful of the time difference. listen…
Hi Steve
Does this guy have a web page? does he sell his mouthpieces?
He doesn’t have a webpage. I haven’t talked to him in a long long time so I’m not sure what he is up to. If you email me I can send you his email address. Steve
My music teacher was responsible in helping design it, and it was Lawrie Waldron’s skill and expertise that set about making it. Lawrie would make something and my teacher would play it and recommend various changes – it was based on a Guardala. My teacher still has a number of tenor prototypes lying around and one for a a bari. The mouthpiece was originally called an ‘AD Buzzer’ after my teacher Allan Dampier who is a top pro in Birmingham, UK
hi steve, so im playing a gary sugal 7 star for some time now. looking for something fresh and different. this law mouthpiece sounds great!
Hi Geoff, They are great but unfortunately they are not made anymore. if you find one in good condition for a good price grab it. For me they play like a Guardala but nicer sounding. The tone is more round and fat sounding. Easier on the ears…….Good Luck!