This another tenor mouthpiece made by Greg Wier. I asked Greg to make me a hard rubber tenor mouthpiece with a little more power than his slant piece I had played before. He said that he had a few blanks of “Indian Rubber” (I have no idea what that means, but it sounds good) He said that it was special rubber that had the qualities of vintage rubber and that when I played this mouthpiece I would be blown away by the resonance and tone of it.
When I first received it I thought it looked the same as his other pieces I have played but when I played it I really noticed a difference. The first thing I noticed was that the piece could play pretty darn loud. That surprised me because the baffle is not a high baffle at all. It’s just got a kind of medium linkish type baffle on it. When I really laid into it the mouthpiece really let me get some great volume out of it. When I play softly or medium it has a graininess and character to the sound that I really enjoyed. I haven’t had a lot of tim with it yet because I’ve been so busy so I’m looking forward to playing it some more and trying different reeds and ligatures out on it. I’ll keep you updated. Thanks to Greg Weir for making another great piece for me! Listen………
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That’s a great sounding mouthpiece (the GW Indian Rubber piece). Thanks so much for posting these comparisons. They’ve helped me to listen to mouthpieces with a more critical ear. I’m surprised by the volume of this piece and I like the sound. The only piece I like better is the Freddy Gregory Mk IV 7**. Wow!
Thanks, I’m glad you like the site. I do like this piece but have to play it more to see where I go with it. I also use to love that Freddie Gregory Mark IV. I haven’t seen one for sale like that since then. They don’t come up very often on ebay.
Did you settle on a ligature and reed combination that worked best for you with this piece? Just curious what kind of response you got with particular combinations.
I just used my Francois Louis lig and a Java 3 reed with it. I didn’t try it with anything else yet.
Great mpc!How I can contact or find GW?Any dealers?Thanks!
You can find him on ebay all the time selling his mouthpieces. His email is if you want to email him. Great mouthpieces for the price!
I like the sound of this!!! i lucked upon a greg wier refaced selmer protoype piece on ebay ,and it is AMAZING…ive been looking forward to checking something else out from him…thanx for posting this one,and I’m not suprised at all!!!