This is a florida link from the 60’s. It was originally an 8 but was worked on by Theo Wanne who closed it down to .100. I’m really loving it. I bought this from Mark Sepinuck(10mfan). He posted on SOTW that he had a Florida Link that was by far the best Florida Link he had ever played.
Everyone’s always talking about how killer Florida links are and I’ve always wanted to try one. I know Mark personally because he used to live up here near Boston. He’s always been a straight shooter with me. I’ve been to his house a number of times and when he tells me a piece is killer it is. I emailed him about this piece to ask him some questions and it was obvious he really loved it. I have to say I do too. At first I was worried that the .100 tip would be too small and closed for me but it really is magical how this piece plays right now. It has a very rich focused sound to it. The tone of it is hard for me to classify. Usually I think a piece is bright or dark but with this one it is hard for me to label. It’s got such a richness and character to the sound that it is very easy for me to play. It hasn’t left my horn since I got it. Thanks again Mark, Steve
Another fantastic Link sound. How much you pay for it?
This Link sounds better than the 3 you have in the comparison test! This is a KILLER Florida Link for sure. Hopefully you still have it ;0),
I do still have it but I had Brian Powell open it to a .105. I might be mistaken but I believe this piece is in the 3 link comparison post.
Actually, I was wrong. This mouthpiece wasn’t in the 3 florida link battle post. My mistake. Sorry.
Steve, thanks so much for your site and work! Do you still have this? Would you make a recording of it at the new tip?
I actually still do have this but you know what? It came to me as a 7 and then I had it refaced to an 8 and then down to a 7* and then finally back to a 7. I did like it a lot at the 7* size but I felt like it lost some of that core sound sound that I loved in this clip and became slightly more spread sounding at the 7* and 8 tip openings. It might be my imagination but although the core sound and tone is the same I think the 4 refacings have made it a bit brighter sounding. At least that is my impression. I’ll have to do another recording to compare to the original………….