About a month or so ago, I took my wife to a “Green Day” concert in Boston. She’s a big Green Day fan and it was around our anniversary…….. While we were there, lo and behold, the keyboard player picks up a saxophone and starts wailin’. Of course, my wife turns to me and asks if he is any good. I respond…….”Yeah, he’s pretty good”. A couple of days later, I get this email in my inbox:
“Hey Steve, My name is Jason Freese and I play keyboards and sax in the band Green Day. I grew up taking sax lessons from Eric Marienthal when I was a kid and got out of it for a long time. I ran into you on Youtube while searching for sax stuff. I bought a whole bunch of your lessons and have been loving it! Thanks! Here is my wikipedia so you can see the albums I’ve played on…. thanks again!!! Jason”
I immediately told my wife and ten year old daughter and they proceeded to say I WAS LYING! Can you believe it? I had to show them the email and then go to wikipedia to look Jason up before they would believe me.
At that point, my 10 year old daughter looked at me with a new found respect and admiration. I know it will only last a moment, but instead of “my old Dad that teaches sax”, I became “My Dad who teaches sax to the sax player in Green Day!” That was cool!
Steve, that is SO cool! I read your account to my family, and they all were “wowed” too!