This is a NY link that I won off ebay that was advertised as worked on by Theo Wanne. I put my own baffle in it. There is an earlier clip of it on here if you look with a description. I sent it off to Brian Powell and asked him to clean up the facing. Before it played great but it had a stuffiness to it I didn’t like. I could tell the facing and response could be better. Brian did a great job. The piece plays effortlessly but still has that big fat link sound to it. I put 2 samples up. One is a more R@B type sound which this piece would be good at without being really bright which I don’t really like. I am very happy with this piece. Let me know what you think.
Audio Player
Audio Player
Hi Steve,
Is this an old NY Link or one of the re-issue modern Links? I’d love to hear you do a side-by-side with the new models: STM NY, Vintage and New FL models.
Roberto, It’s just a modern NY Link. Probably from the 80’s or 90’s I would think. I still have this mouthpiece even after all these years.I was thinking of pulling it out and doing a more in-depth review of it……. Steve