Lamberson J8
Here is a Lamberson J8 tenor mouthpiece that I bought a few months ago. As usual this Lamberson plays well although the .120 tip opening is wider than I am use to. Even at .120 it doesn’t feel that much more open than my other pieces. I think this is one of the darker pieces that I have had through here.
I know it’s quite a bit darker than my J7 which I always felt was a tad too bright for my tastes. Lamberson mouthpieces are amazing piece but to get the most out of them you have to spend some time with them. The ones I have played felt good when I first played them but it wasn’t until I played on them for a few hours that I really felt like they were amazing. Listen………
Marcel Bienvenue says
Wow it sounds great!!! This is one of the best sounding tenor piece in your collection…Have you sold it? If you have , why? 🙂 Also which reeds are you using in this clip?
Steve says
Marcel, Thanks! Yes I did sell it. The .120 tip opening just felt too huge for me. I suppose if I just played that mouthpiece and never tried others I would get used to it but I play a lot of other mouthpieces around the .105-.110 tip opening that I feel more comfortable with…….. Steve
craig hunter says
it really sounds amazing! one of the best clips ever…what reeds are you using ?
frederik angelson says
wow you sound great on this one , huge sound with lots of overtones !!! rubber quality must be amazing…
Sebastian duchel says
Wow amazing sound , full of harmonics…that might be one of your best clips
Steve says
Thanks! The 8 tip of .120 (a Lamberson 8 is .120) proved to be too large for me though. I did enjoy trying it out though…….