Lamberson J8
Here is a Lamberson J8 tenor mouthpiece that I bought a few months ago. As usual this Lamberson plays well although the .120 tip opening is wider than I am use to. Even at .120 it doesn’t feel that much more open than my other pieces. I think this is one of the darker pieces that I have had through here.
I know it’s quite a bit darker than my J7 which I always felt was a tad too bright for my tastes. Lamberson mouthpieces are amazing piece but to get the most out of them you have to spend some time with them. The ones I have played felt good when I first played them but it wasn’t until I played on them for a few hours that I really felt like they were amazing. Listen………
Wow it sounds great!!! This is one of the best sounding tenor piece in your collection…Have you sold it? If you have , why? 🙂 Also which reeds are you using in this clip?
Marcel, Thanks! Yes I did sell it. The .120 tip opening just felt too huge for me. I suppose if I just played that mouthpiece and never tried others I would get used to it but I play a lot of other mouthpieces around the .105-.110 tip opening that I feel more comfortable with…….. Steve
it really sounds amazing! one of the best clips ever…what reeds are you using ?
wow you sound great on this one , huge sound with lots of overtones !!! rubber quality must be amazing…
Wow amazing sound , full of harmonics…that might be one of your best clips
Thanks! The 8 tip of .120 (a Lamberson 8 is .120) proved to be too large for me though. I did enjoy trying it out though…….